B Technical information

These tutorials were made using Rmarkdown version 2.27 and Bookdown version 0.39. All code was executed in R programming language version 4.4.1.

The following packages and versions were used for the current tutorials:

Table B.1: Packages needed to run all the tutorials, and the package versions used to knit the current version of the tutorials.
Package Version
adegenet 2.1.10
ape 5.8
parallel 4.4.1
pegas 1.3
phangorn 2.11.1
PopGenome 2.7.5
tidyverse 2.0.0

The specific versions of the tidyverse packages are outlined below:

Table B.2: Package versions of core Tidyverse packages
Package Version
ggplot2 3.5.1
dplyr 1.1.4
tidyr 1.3.1
readr 2.1.5
purrr 1.0.2
tibble 3.2.1
stringr 1.5.1
forcats 1.0.0