5.2 Understanding FST - the fixation index

FST, also known as the fixation index, is an extremely important statistic in population genetics, molecular ecology and evolutionary biology. It is also arguably one of the most famous population genetic statistics you will encounter. FST essentially measures the level of genetic differentiation between two or more populations. It ranges from 0 (i.e. no genetic differentiation) to 1 (complete genetic differentiation)

Ultimately, it is quite a simple statistic to understand but it can sometimes take time to properly grasp. So we will go over the basics properly here. One of the most confusing things about FST is that are several different ways to define it. For ease of understanding, we will use a simple formulation:

\(F_{ST} = \displaystyle \frac{H_T - H_S}{H_T}\)

For simplicity, imagine we are examining two populations only. With this formulate, \(H_T\) is the expected heterozygosity when the two populations are considered as one large meta-population. \(H_S\) is the average expected heterozygosity in the two populations.

You might be thinking, hang on a minute… what do we mean by expected heterozygosity? To appreciate this, we need to think back to the Hardy-Weinberg expectation we learned about in Chapter 3. Remember that at a simple bi-allelic locus, \(p\) and \(q\) are the frequencies of the two alleles. We can calculate the expected frequency of heterozygotes with \(2pq\) - this is the expected heterozygosity.

5.2.1 A worked example of FST in humans

As an illustrative example, we will calculate FST for the SNP rs4988235 associated with lactase persistence in humans. This SNP is located ~14 Kb upstream of the LCT gene on Chromosome 2 and is biallelic for C/T; a T at this position is strongly associated with the ability to digest milk in adulthood. We sample 80 people each from two populations which differ in the frequency of lactase persistence - Americans of European descent and Druze people from Israel. The counts of genotypes are shown in the table below. Note that these data are modified from Bersaglieri et al. 2002.

Population TT CT CC
American 48 28 4
Druze 0 3 77

Knowing these numbers, we will first calculate the allele frequences in each population. We will use \(p\) to denote the frequency of the T allele at this locus.

# set up genotype counts
a <- c(48, 28, 4) # americans
d <- c(0, 3, 77) # druze

# get the number of people sampled (same for both)
n <- sum(a)

# calculate the frequency of the T allele - or p
# for americans
p_a <- ((a[1]*2) + a[2])/(2*n)
# for druze
p_d <- ((d[1]*2) + d[2])/(2*n)

# calculating the frequency of C (or q) is then trivial
q_a <- 1 - p_a
q_d <- 1 - p_d

Next we can calculate the allele frequencies for the metapopulation - i.e. Americans of European descent and Druze considered as a single population. This is as simple as taking the mean of the two allele frequencies.

# calculate total allele frequency
p_t <- (p_a + p_d)/2
q_t <- 1 - p_t

With these allele frequencies calculated, we can very easily calculate expected heterozygosities - remember this is just \(2pq\).

# first calculate expected heterozygosity for the two populations
# americans
hs_a <- 2*p_a*q_a
# druze
hs_d <- 2*p_d*q_d
# then take the mean of this
hs <- (hs_a + hs_d)/2

# next calculate expected heterozygosity for the metapopulations
ht <- 2*p_t*q_t

With all the relevant expected heterozygosities in place, we are now ready to calculate FST which we can do like so:

# calculate fst
fst <- (ht - hs)/ht

If your calculations were correct, then you should have an FST estimate of 0.59 - this is very high for between two human populations. One way to interpret the FST value we have here is that 59% of genetic variance we observe differs between populations. Since population can explain such a large difference in this case, we might expect selection to be responsible…

5.2.2 Writing a set of FST functions

The code in the previous section was useful to demonstrate how we can calculate FST, but it would be a lot of work to run through this every single time we want estimate the statistic for a locus. This being R, we can of course easily create a function that will do all of the leg work for us! We will take the code we wrote out in the last section and use it here to write two functions that we can use when we want to calculate FST. Note that for simplicity, we will only write functions that work for two populations.

First, we will write a function called calc_p which will take genotype counts from a population and calculate allele frequencies. This will probably be similar to the function you made in last week’s assignment.

# a simple function to calculate allele frequencies in two populations
calc_p <- function(counts){
  # get the number of samples
  n <- sum(counts)
  # calculate frequency of 1st allele - p
  p <- ((counts[1]*2) + counts[2])/(2*n)

Since it is very straightforward for use to calculate the frequency of the second allele once we have the frequency of the first (i.e. \(q = 1- p\)), our calc_p function will only calculate \(p\) for both populations. Let’s test it on the data from our previous example.

# testing our function on the american/druze example
af_american <- calc_p(c(48, 28, 4))
af_druze <- calc_p(c(0, 3, 77))

So now that we have a function that calculates allele frequencies in the two populations, we can write our calc_fst function to take these frequencies and calculate FST from them.

# a function to calculate fst
calc_fst <- function(p_1, p_2){
  # calculate q1 and q2
  q_1 <- 1 - p_1
  q_2 <- 1 - p_2
  # calculate total allele frequency
  p_t <- (p_1 + p_2)/2
  q_t <- 1 - p_t
  # calculate expected heterozygosity
  # first calculate expected heterozygosity for the two populations
  # pop1
  hs_1 <- 2*p_1*q_1
  # pop2
  hs_2 <- 2*p_2*q_2
  # then take the mean of this
  hs <- (hs_1 + hs_2)/2
  # next calculate expected heterozygosity for the metapopulations
  ht <- 2*p_t*q_t
  # calculate fst
  fst <- (ht - hs)/ht
  # return output

Let’s test our function on the allele frequencies we calculated with our calc_p function.

# testing our function on the american/druze example
calc_fst(af_american, af_druze)

This should be the same as you got before, but with a lot less work. Next, we’ll look at applying a function to a bigger data set with apply().

5.2.3 Applying functions to matrices and data frames

Extending our LCT and lactase persistence example, let’s get some data from multiple human populations. You can download the data here

Exercise: Import the data into R using the read.table() function. If you’re unsure about how you do this, remember that you can go back and check in the tutorial from the first week

Show hint

The data is separated by tabulator ("\t"), and has a header.

lct_counts <- read.table("lct_count.tsv", header = TRUE, sep = "\t")

You should now have a data frame in your R environment with allele counts for the SNP rs4988235 for 53 populations. Again, these data are all from Bersaglieri et al. 2002.

What we have is the counts of allleles but what we actually want is the allele frequency for T - that is how we can calculate FST. We can use our calc_p() function for this, so let’s try this function out on counts for a single population. We use indexing here to select the first row and only columns 2:4, since our function is only expecting the count data, not the population name.

calc_p(lct_counts[1, 2:4])

Great! So this works well. Now let’s get \(p\) (the frequency of the T allele) for all the populations. We can do this using the apply() function that you learned about in the R-section. Note that the data needs to be columns 2 through 4 of the data, and the second argument needs to be 1 since we’re working on rows.

p <- apply(lct_counts[,2:4], 1, calc_p)

We can now combine our vector of allele frequencies with the population names to create a data.frame of frequencies. Like so

lct_freq <- data.frame(pop = lct_counts$pop, p)

Now we can calculate a pairwise FST with our calc_fst function. For example, let’s calculate FST for European Americans and East Asians. We will use dplyr commands for this. First we make subsets of the data with filter(). We then end up with a single row of our data. We provide the p-column of that subset to calc_fst using $21.

# extract frequencies
af_euram <- filter(lct_freq, pop == "European_American")
af_eastasian <- filter(lct_freq, pop == "East_Asian")
# calculate fst
calc_fst(af_euram$p, af_eastasian$p)

As with our previous example, we can see FST is actually pretty high between these populations for this SNP. What about if we compared East Asians with the Bedouin people from Israel?

# extract frequencies
af_bedouin <- filter(lct_freq, pop == "Bedouin_Negev_Israel")
# calculate fst
calc_fst(af_eastasian$p, af_bedouin$p)

Here we see FST is substantially lower. Allele frequency differences are lower between these populations.

  1. Tip: to better understand this code, try printing the objects af_euram and af_eastasian, as well as the columns af_euram$p and af_eastasian$p. This way you can follow what the code is doing.↩︎